Service Design Portfolio

Design Research, Service Design, Concept Validation

FedEx Innovation

This global logistics company was  interested in validating a new business concept that would leverage it’s vast experience in logistics and supply-chain management. I led the team to design and conduct a program that would provide deep insight into their target market.

Deliverables included:  journey maps, personas, prototypes for field research stimulus, a roadmap and executive presentation. 

Design Research, Service Design

Veteran’s Administration, Choice Program

The VA was under a political mandate to help veterans access medical help faster, more efficiently and intuitively. In order to understand where the pain points were, we conducted heuristic evaluations on key sites to offer immediate remedies and then embarked on more in-depth field research to map out the entire process of support across national VA locales.

Deliverables included: expert interviews, personas, journey maps, research stimulus and prototypes to test veteran experiences with VACAA across touch-points, including the website, contact center scripts, written communications, and in-person interactions.

Creative Concepting, Design Research

Capital One

Capital One wanted to ideate and validate fresh concepts around the “bank of the future.”  I led a multi-disciplinary team through creative ideation workshops, concept synthesis, design research and field validation.

Our research was more interested in gauging user response to these specific concepts than evaluating them as a complete solution.

Deliverables included:  personas, 6 concepts narrowed from over 60, storyboards, stimulus screens and cards, a roadmap and executive presentation.

Associate Creative Director, Digital Transformation Design


Australia’s second largest telecom contracted frog to evolve the digital execution of their new brand to a scalable, user-centric platform that understands different customer types and behaviors. I was brought in to manage a global team from eight studios through the architecture and interaction journeys, while on-location in Sydney for ten months. This work was performed at the client’s site, and involved coordinating with 28 product stakeholders to redesign this 10,000+ page digital property.

Our process:

  1. Our team received (133) epics and user stories from the Optus business analysts, and translated those to screens that flowed through each variation of the epic, including assets from the  component library, as well as areas where new components would need to be designed and developed.
  2. Feedback pin-ups were held with multiple stakeholders and our team for each use case flow.
  3. Our designers would use the components from LUX (our proprietary code component library) to design each screen.
  4. Our IA’s would take the newly designed screens to execute an InVision prototype, available to all stakeholders for remote feedback and user-testing.
  5. Once a user journey was certified, all the epics, components, prototypes and screen designs were packaged and delivered to the near-shore dev team for coding, and the architecture was formally updated.